Matlamat utama saya menulis adalah untuk berkongsi pengetahuan dalam bentuk pengurusan dan motivasi untuk pembangunan diri dan kerjaya.
Ingin juga mencurahkan pengetahuan yang ada secara ringkas, mudah dan pantas memandangkan sesetengah individu kurang berminat membaca bahan bacaan(buku) yang tebal dan merimaskan.
Sekadar menyumbangkan sesuatu untuk di manfaatkan sebelum nanti saya di jemput ke SANA.



Friday, December 14, 2012

A Champion

"A Champion is someone who gets up even when he or she can't"

When world send challenges to us, we can see who is a leader and who is a follower!
Who stand still and who will make the first move to overcome it.
Who will just crying for sadness and who will use the moment of sad to inspire victory.

If you are someone in the above who can still get up even you can't, I salute you and you are excellent person.
Really and honestly you are great!

Syabas. Berikan diri anda tepukan gemuruh!


DrLaptop said...

clap clap clap..(tepuk tangan )


Noor Jahan said...

Salam Masterji...

To be a champion....the most important is we must believe in ourself!

Life is like a rollercoaster with up & down. The problem is when we get stuck in the down. But choice is always in our hand whether we want to stand still or to get up & move. Don't ever give-up!!

Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE....
the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE :-))