Salam mesra pada semua rakan rakan dan para peminat. Masterji harap anda berada dalam keadaan yang gembira dan sihat. Bahang Raya sudah semakin hampir. Sana sini semua nya jualan murah dan macam macam lagi. Hampir semua kedai sesak. Syukur. Malaysia masih aman dan makmur. Kepada yang tak mampu jangan di lupakan ya.
Ibu bapa adalah yang paling utama. Sebelum kita belikan baju anak anak kita sorang lima pasang, fikir fikirkanlah ibu bapa di kampung sama ada mereka lengkap dari segi persediaan ataupun persiapan juadah menyambut kepulangan kita nanti di Hari Lebaran.
Taking this opportunity to welcome another two followers , Mizan and Rajesh. With all respect, welcome to Masterji's blog. Kindly share with us your experience and expensive thoughts. Thank you for interest. Mizan and Rajesh are currently involved in HR working environment. They are potential future HR leaders.
Entri kali ini, berkaitan dunia HR ( Human Resource Management ). Gambar di atas adalah gambar saya dan beberapa orang students saya pada hari Graduation MIHRM. (Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management )
Saya di berikan beberapa module untuk mengajar di dalam program pembelajaran HRM di MIHRM. Ayat yang selalu saya terapkan kepada mereka ialah; "go and drink petrol", kalau mereka tak dapat jawap soalan dan mereka kebiasaannya akan ketawa terbahak-bahak.
Dan perkataan lain dan yang terpenting saya beritahu mereka ialah, "being a learner , it's not Que Sera Sera". Que Sera Sera adalah lagu yang kita dengari atau pelajari dari kecil lagi. Tentu ingat bukan, Que Sera Sera adalah dari perkataan Spanish yang membawa maksud , What ever will be will be.
"When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother, what will I be,
Will I be pretty, will I be rich,
Here's what she said to me,"
"Que Sera, Sera,
What ever will be , will be
The Future's not ours to see,
Que Sera Sera,
What ever will be will be."
Common remarks, "Well Sir, we prepared for exams but we won't know whether may we get good or bad marks, but as long as we obtained minimum passing marks , is ok".
My replied, " life is not Que Sera Sera".
I told my beloved students of MIHRM, Don't follow that song, you'll go no where !
What I normally told them is" We produce HR Managers and not students". Learn and don't memorize only. Learning and memorizing is different. If you learn, you'll do well in examinatons and practice but if you memorize, you'll do well in examinations only.
Therefore life is not Que Sera Sera. Most of them done well.
I believed, in current and future business scenario HR functions will be constantly important and needs to be innovative. HR is no more longer a cost centre but should be profit centre. For example, man power planning is under HR Dept responsibility but by fullfilling the request to recruit may add up to permanent fixed cost for the company, instead can a multi skilling replace the request of a new staff?
There is so many ways currently to manage HR functions to be more innovative and productive. In many occasions where I had met some Top key persons from various company at certain official or dinner functions , I had always post questions to them in how they measure HR functions results .
While production, sales, finance department may clearly presents their fiqures of achievements , HR can only witness it .
No! that is not the way anymore. HR has many things that can be shown and promoted accordingly. Not only how many people that you had trained or recruited but many more and in fact you may tell your CEO , how much operation cost you had saved from your HR functions!. Do it. Be innovative and competitive.
1 comment:
Salam Masterji....Alhamdulillah lebih ramailah HR Managers yg berkaliber akan lahir dari MIHRM!!! Guru yg cemerlang akan melahirkn anak murid yg gemilang & terbilang!!
Betul la kata Master Ji...kalau dulu HR ni terkenal dengan pemgambilan & pemecatan jer... Kalau dilihat skop kerja sekarang....begitu luas seolah2 pantai / laut yg tidak bertebing!!!
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