Their learning attittude and HR Knowledege is great. Enjoyed being with them and me myself learned many things from them.
While the rest had good weekends and went for shopping but they make effort to utlise it by attending classes. While the rest is busy with other activities but they are busy in the weekends to build up their name. Great.
Hi guys from CIHRM class. I love you all, it was fun and you make me learned that future HR Managers had the the right quality to feet in the position. Salute every one of you!
Masterji seronok mengajar kelas hujung minggu di MIHRM. The students will be future HR Key People.
Mr Rafi and us likes to drink petrol everyday...he he he
Mr Rafi always ask us to drink petrol..ha ha ha...overall his class is so much fun!!!
Mr Rafi given us a fun, enjoying, energetic, successful and resourceful training!
To the rest Ron 97 members ;
Mastura ( Mas ) Lee, Farhan ( The shy boy ) , Anizah ( HR Director ), Seok Ling , Vee liam, Azlina ( Creative ) Susana ( Eyes very power ) Sallee Ong, and dear Subhaasni ( Kajol ) .....Thank you so much for your support and I really request you to do your best. You are the future HR key person and start the ball rolling now...go and be the best HR Manager in the market..ok guyss....Love you all...
To Azlina / Cik Wangi...oh ye ke Mama you suka dengan Jamal..sama lah dengan Masterji...peminat tegar juga. Mesti Mama ada nonton filem Azura bukan, nama adik pun Azura ya...Good. Thank you for being the follower ya..sure boleh tolong request and you minta tu. Nanti call saya ya and we can discuss more...
Pada Puan Noor Jahan, ha ha ha thank you ya.. walaupun di talian, kita pasti tak ada agenda lain selain management and success story kan... Masterji suka pada conversation macam tu...kita sama sama belajar. Oh thank you..Insyaallah kalau keluar buku , minta lah support ya...cuma nak challenge dengan Harry Potter susah sikit kot...but I will try. Thanks for all the support. Nanti satu hari kita buat dinner ya untuk semua follower Masterji ya...and we can learn more things...
5 comments: are funny too.Actuallykan masa you mengajar your mimik muka sometimes macam my Ahamd Nisfu you know..tulah pslnya i kdg2 tergelak macam hapa je..:)
Salam Masterji....
Happy tengok gambar2 bakal HR!! Mereka juga bakal mewarnai dunia HR. Sebagai 'guru' saat yg best bila dapat lihat mereka berada di puncak suatu hari nanti.... Pesanan saya kepada mereka... "success will never come to have to go for it"
Thanks Masterji, it is fun to be in your class, gelak tak abis abis.. esp part kena minum petrol... haha..
kalau kat US company ni sure dah kena sue.. hehe..
hope to be in your class again when i do my diploma next year.
Kena suggest kat MIHRM to get more lecturer like you, such inspiring leader.. good knowledge and know to get students attention and participation. (bodek nak dapat markah lebih la ni.. hehe..) jangan maraa arr..
Salam en's me mas from group Ron 97 we all semua enjoy dgn class u..asyik ketawa je..thanks atas ilmu yg mr ter akau pulak remind us "hr must read newspaper"..ha ha ha..kena lagi..
Btl kata catwoman kalau semua lecturer mihrm karakter sama mcm en rafi..x dak lah kami terkuap kuap tahan dh jd cam lawak lak I pandang Pruvan..pruvan pandang I..siap SMS lg tu Tanya ngantuk ker..ha3..lecturer kat dpn Kami main SMS kat belakang..padahal 1 kelas je..bila tgk weeliam lg lawak..mulutnya separuh tnganga mata separuh buka..ha3
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